Guest App

A guest facing app helps the guest communicate with the hotel's staff. If you're looking to a simple yet effective one, you're in good place.
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Guest application features
Web based page
Get common requests from Guest throught tasks
Collect Housekeeping preferences
Web based page
Works anywhere, on any device with no need to download. Your guests will be able to access the app with a QR code, sms or email.

Higlhly configurable, the guest app will provide your guest with :
Hotel compendium
Houseeking requests
Maintenance requests
Give their feedback
And much more features
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Get common requests from Guest throught tasks
Allow your guest to formulate their request in their langage. Declutter front office from phone calls.
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Collect Housekeeping preferences
Use our innovative 'skip cleaning' application where your guests are invited to select their cleaning preferences.

Save 40% on housekeeping costs just by using our innovation solution
Ask for a demo to know more about this secret weapon !
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Get Feedback
All hotels and properties are different and have different operations, thus a tool used for operations needs to be adaptable. With Roomchecking rule builder you are able to build your own rules. Do you have weekly Cleanings? Do you have extra cleanings for some properties and for other not? Do clients get their cleanings based on their ratecode? We can help you. Find some examples of rules below
Ratecode based cleanings
Weekly cleanings balanced
Weekly cleanings specific day
Category based cleanings
Reservation lenght based cleaning
Reservation lenght based cleaning
And much more options for you to personalize your own rules
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All hotels and properties are different and have different operations, thus a tool used for operations needs to be adaptable. With Roomchecking rule builder you are able to build your own rules. Do you have weekly Cleanings? Do you have extra cleanings for some properties and for other not? Do clients get their cleanings based on their ratecode? We can help you. Find some examples of rules below
Ratecode based cleanings
Weekly cleanings balanced
Weekly cleanings specific day
Category based cleanings
Reservation lenght based cleaning
Reservation lenght based cleaning
And much more options for you to personalize your own rules
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Book a demo now to see how Roomchecking will improve your operations for your hotel

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