Multi Property

Managing multiple hotels often requires sharing staff, maintaining consistent workflows, and pooling resources and procedures. Hopr is designed to support a comprehensive multi-property architecture, enabling seamless coordination and integration across various locations.
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Multi Property features
Staff sharing
Common Assets
Common CheckLists
Unified Dashboards
Staff sharing
In a multi property setup it is not uncommon to share maintenance team. But this could be also true for other department. With this feature you can  :
Use one login to access multiple properties
Manage credentials accross all your hotels
Send tasks for multiple location
Quick access to common inventory
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Common Assets
Maintaining your furniture and other asset accross many location can quickly turn out to be a nightmare. Hopr will allow you to centralize your asset management, 
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Brand quality can't be achieved if you don't share the standards accross all your properties.
By having a multi property setup you can :
Apply common 
Weekly cleanings balanced
Weekly cleanings specific day
Category based cleanings
Reservation lenght based cleaning
Reservation lenght based cleaning
And much more options for you to personalize your own rules
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All hotels and properties are different and have different operations, thus a tool used for operations needs to be adaptable. With Roomchecking rule builder you are able to build your own rules. Do you have weekly Cleanings? Do you have extra cleanings for some properties and for other not? Do clients get their cleanings based on their ratecode? We can help you. Find some examples of rules below
Ratecode based cleanings
Weekly cleanings balanced
Weekly cleanings specific day
Category based cleanings
Reservation lenght based cleaning
Reservation lenght based cleaning
And much more options for you to personalize your own rules
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Daily priorities
All hotels and properties are different and have different operations, thus a tool used for operations needs to be adaptable. With Roomchecking rule builder you are able to build your own rules. Do you have weekly Cleanings? Do you have extra cleanings for some properties and for other not? Do clients get their cleanings based on their ratecode? We can help you. Find some examples of rules below
Ratecode based cleanings
Weekly cleanings balanced
Weekly cleanings specific day
Category based cleanings
Reservation lenght based cleaning
Reservation lenght based cleaning
And much more options for you to personalize your own rules
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Book a demo now to see how Roomchecking will improve your operations for your hotel

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