Ellipse 15

Imagine if housekeeping could respond faster for big hotels

Take control of maintenance issues, eliminate phone calls and paperwork, and deliver more personalized customer experiences - thanks to RoomChecking’s real-time housekeeping management platform
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Flexible housekeeping for leading hotel chains

5bb4a9b501d72b636f15b803 novotel 15bb4a9b55e9306065337665d crown plaza 15bb4a9b5c7a86b01063fe298 ollie 15bb4a9b6a4b923653785184b sofitel 15bb4a9b6096defc8d0fa4be8 sweetinn 15bb4a9b55e9306829837665c astotel 1
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I Couldn´t Be Without RoomChecking, It Would Be Impossible - Like Someone Taking Away My Smartphone

Custom dimensions 84x88 px1Custom dimensions 84x88 px1
CEO, Napoleon

Do you wish you could run your big hotel more efficiently?

Paper forms cause delays and confusion

You still rely on paper forms and reports that are out-of-date the moment they’re printed.

Communication is a constant challenge

It’s tough to track your team. You’re constantly on the phone - yet messages still arrive late.

Poor customer reviews let your brand down

Your customers don’t feel they receive a reliable, responsive, and personalized service.
Main Cleaner and apps

Digital housekeeping

Enjoy real-time housekeeping - with zero phone calls
Track cleaning as it happens in the RoomChecking management platform - as real-time updates are delivered from each attendant’s mobile app.

Automate every complex cleaning process

Stop writing lists

It’s tough to track your team. You’re constantly on the phone - yet messages still arrive late.

Forecast and run reports automatically

Take control of costs

Track time statistics and maintenance issues to identify trends and cost-saving opportunities.

Postpone and adjust schedules instantly

Don’t disturb customers

Send any schedule updates straight to your attendants - so each customer enjoys a personalized service.
I couldn't be without RoomChecking, it would be impossible - like someone taking away my smartphone
Custom dimensions 500x500 px29 e1664450375363
Damien Harvey
Deputy Director Hotel Forest Hill
Meudon Velizy
easy real time hk
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Optimized planning

Unlock more revenue and better customer review
Offer an intelligent servicing schedule that frees you to book more rooms and improve your overall customer experience.
Now there’s less waiting at reception, fewer phone calls - and rooms are ready faster’
Custom dimensions 500x500 px29 e1664450375363
CEO, Napoléon

Upsell clean rooms to your early arrivals

Boost your revenue

Clean any larger rooms first and make them available to upsell before your first customers arrive.

Clean late departures before guests arrive

Adapt to each customer

Factor late departments into your schedule to ensure that no guest is ever left waiting to check into their room.

Offer more hotel rooms for day use

Make rooms available faster

Schedule multiple cleaning sessions whenever they’re required - and free up more rooms for day use.

Personalized experience

Deliver housekeeping when customers want it
Make each customer feel valued. RoomChecking makes it easy to adapt your schedule and deliver housekeeping at a more convenient time.

Handle customer requests with ease

Be personal more easily

Record key customer information - like VIP status - and add special requests. Each detail is shared instantly with your team.

Capture issues more reliably with notes

Don’t miss details

Enable any member of your team to add notes for each room - for the immediate attention of anyone else in housekeeping.

Offer cleaning at more convenient times

Adapt to each customer

Schedule cleaning for any room for a specific time or date - or cancel their cleaning altogether.
Now we can get rooms ready faster, with just an hour between check-in and check-out - and a boost for our customer satisfaction’
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Francois Webre
Owner, Ibis Nice
when customer wants
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Minor Topics

Set higher customer service standards

Be consistent

Use checklists to set high standards for cleaning and maintenance across your hotel - and onboard new cleaning staff faster.

Create more unique customer experiences

Adapt to each customer

Log any feedback or complaints, identify opportunities for improvement - and issue compensation.

Build stronger and more effective teams

Synchronize your team

Send updates so that your porter brings luggage down just before checkout - and runners deliver amenities on time.


Tackle maintenance issues faster and earlier
Room Checking helps your hotel to handle reactive and proactive maintenance more effectively - so you can save money and reduce customer complaints.

Resolve maintenance issues in real-time

React faster

Tackle issues instantly, with real-time notifications - and minimize the chance of a negative customer experience.

Handle more preventative maintenance issues

Stay on top

Keep up with preventative maintenance across your hotel, stay on top of intervention dates - and avoid any nasty surprises.

Track your spending and identify major issues

Stay on budget

Discover how much your hotel spends on maintenance - and identify underlying issues and opportunities to economize
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Lost & found

Reunite more customers with their missing items
Get more missing items back to your customers with a faster and more effective way to manage your hotel’s lost & found activities.
Now there’s less waiting at reception, fewer phone calls - and rooms are ready faster’
Custom dimensions 500x500 px29 e1664450375363
CEO, Napoléon

Report on missing items in real-time

Find items faster

Add a missing item report and it will instantly be available across your team - including any cleaning or housekeeping staff.

Follow-up on missing items with photos

Match items faster

Contact each customer with photos of any items retrieved by your team to confirm if it’s their
missing property.

Answer each missing item inquiry directly

Talk to clients

Receive missing item inquiries from hotel customers and respond to them straight from your Room Checking app.

Complaint management

Boost your ratings with better reviews
Track and manage each customer complaint, respond faster - and discover which underlying issues create high costs and bad reviews for your hotel.

Track customer complaints and costs

Take control

Track customer complaints either by teams, or groups of issues - and calculate their total cost to your hotel.

Identify customer complaint trends

Uncover deeper issues

Discover common causes for customer complaints - so you can take action and improve your hotel’s rating.

Escalate and resolve more complaints

Improve your rating

Make sure that each complaint gets followed up, resolved, and reported promptly - so more custom
Room Checking gives us real-time awareness, easier communication - and improved customer satisfaction.
Custom dimensions 500x500 px29 e1664450375363
Damien Harvey, Deputy Director
Hotel Forest Hill, Meudon Velizy
Ellipse 214
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Find out how Room Checking can help your business

Medium hotels
Apartment services
External cleaning
Other spaces
  • Custom dimensions 84x88 pxCustom dimensions 84x88 px
    Thanks to Room Checking we no longer need to hire someone to manage Opera followup requests - which saves us 4000 Euros a month
    Pullman Paris Centre Bercy
    Maxime Roberton, GG
    Custom dimensions 84x88 pxCustom dimensions 84x88 px
  • Custom dimensions 84x88 pxCustom dimensions 84x88 px
    Roomchecking helped us with the planning as we now have all our cleaning rules inserted and predefined. I no longer need to communicate with reception several times a day, write manual lists for each cleaner
    Jeroen - The Student Hotel Rotterdam
    Custom dimensions 84x88 pxCustom dimensions 84x88 px

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