Create a new user

To create a new user you can either go to Settings/Users or once logged in click here User Management


Important : You must have at least a Group to be able to add a user in.

There are two options to create a user : 
1)Click on "Add user" :

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2)Go under the group/sub group where you want to add the user, and click on "Add user to..."

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The minimum of information are :

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Create an avatar:

Important :
You need to Save the user after you update the image/text of your avatar by clicking on update.
Avatar are useful when logging to mobile apps because user will be able to log in just by clicking their avatar.

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You have 2 options :

Create a text avatar : once you wrote the name of the new profile, it will automatically write the first name as the avatar.

optimized user

Create an image avatar : click on the icon image icon to select an image.

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