HOPR > Left Navigation Bar > Settings > Assets
Follow the above-mentioned workflow to land on the Assets screen.
Click the Import assets button located at the top. Doing so opens the Import Assets screen.

To import the records from a .CSV file, click the Select CSV file to import button. This opens your system storage for you to choose the file from.

Once a file is selected, click the Confirm Import button. Doing so imports all the records present in the selected file.
Here an example of how the CSV file should look like :

To have access to have the same columns, click on these buttons :

Mandatory Fields :
The column 'is Bulk' should always be equal to 'True'.
The column 'Is Consumable' and 'Is Chargeable' should be equal to 'False' for free assets, but for all assets who include a price (like minibar's assets), it should be equal to 'True' therefore the columns 'Price' and 'Tax Percent' should be filled up .
The column 'Use For Simple Tasks' should always be equal to 'False'.
Non-mandatory fields :
The columns 'Serial Number', 'Asset Tags', 'Product ID', 'Asset Categories' could be empty for the import.
Important things to know before import
By importing assets, you will only add new assets, it won't delete the previous assets . To delete them, you should contact our support (support@roomchecking.com) .
Common errors and solutions
Bulk Asset requires serial number
Make sure the IsBulk column has True value, otherwise provide a Serial number.
If the CSV file is not recognized, try to replace all semicolons by commas.
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