Asset and Asset Action translations

In Hopr you are now able to translate the assets and asset actions so that each team member recieves their tasks in their own language. This means that if the reception creates the task in english, the maintenance worker on the field can receive it in Polish, or cleaner receive it in Spanish.

Available languages: English, French, Spanish, Polish, Chinese, Dutch, German, Italian, Portugese, Russian, Turkish, Ukranian, Bulgarian, Greek, Malay, Slovak, Arabic, Swedish

The translations can be easily set up via an export and import of the assets and asset actions.

  1. To translate the assets, export the current assets in your hotel through the ASSETS page in settings:

Download the file of the assets to excel and copy it into a google sheet. This will allow you to auto translate the assets with google translate.

This is how the file looks like once you insert it into google sheets:

Screenshot 2024 12 24 at 11.09.15

Now you need to complete the translation within the columns under each language. To do this quicker, instead of going one by one, if you work on google sheets (this is the perk of doing this in google sheets, instead of doing it directly in excel) you can automatically translate assets. You want to insert the translations of the items in column A in each column of the Asset names in the other languages.

In order to do this you can use a simple formula =GOOGLETRANSLATE(A2;"en";"fr") Click on the cell where you want to add the translation, insert the formula =GOOGLETRANSLATE(A2;"en";"fr") the first "en" is the language that is in the column that you want to translate FROM, the second "fr" in this case is the language you want to translate TO. So in this case, I translate the asset from english to french (as it is the asset name french I want to insert in).

Now that you have the translation in the first cell of the column, simply drag it down to the bottom.

Complete the same steps for all the columns of the languages that you would like to complete !

Once you are done, you need to export the file to CSV and import it into Hopr.

Export the file first to CSV (it is very important that the export is made to CSV and not excel or any other format, Hopr only recognizes CSV format for uploads).

The final step, is to upload the CSV file into Hopr, by clicking on the UPLOAD icon (see below).

Screenshot 2024 12 24 at 11.36.17

The assets are now translated !

2. To translate the asset actions, export the current asset actions in your hotel through the ASSETS page in settings:

Complete the same the steps for the asset actions as you did for the assets and then upload the asset actions (see below).

Screenshot 2024 12 24 at 11.04.36
